How I paint - Necron - Quantum Nodes
Paints required:
- Chaos Black spray
- Caliban Green Spray
- Nuln Oil
- Nuln Oil Gloss
- Black Templar
- Deathworld Forest
- Caliban Green
- Warpstone Glow
- Moot Green
- Flash Gitz Yellow
- White Scar
- Iron Hands Steel
- Tesseract Glow
- Lahmian Medium
Undercoat with Chaos Black spray. Undercoat with Caliban Green spray.
Wash with a 4:1 mix of Nuln Oil and Black Templar. Paint one face at a time and allow to dry horizontally. i made a pot of this mix up as I am going to need a fair quantity of it.
Using a large-ish round ended brush (I use a make-up brush) drybrush the miniature, in a circular motion with Caliban Green. This should be across the whole miniature. Follow this with a drybrush of Warpstone Glow. Paint the crystal (at
the top) with Deathworld Forest.
The crystals at the top of the miniature were painted with a 1:1 mix of Warpstone Glow and Moot Green. Warpstone Glow is a thin paint. The Moot Green in the mix gives the Warpstone Green more body. The crystals will require at least two coats
to give a nice solid coat. (The picture above was taken in different light so it appears a lot darker).
The third drybrush was done with Moot Green this was focused on the upper third of the miniature. The final drybrush was done with Flash Gitz Yellow. This was
aimed mainly on the hard edges at the top of the miniature. The drybrush was not cleaned in between any of these steps.
Paint the cables on the side of the miniature with Iron Hands Steel. Wash these with Nuln Oil Gloss (make sure to use gloss).
Using a flat-ended drybrush, drybrush the crystals and the surrounding section (to give a surrounding glow from the crystal) of the miniature with Moot Green.
Follow this with a dry brush of Flash Gitz Yellow. Reduce the radius around the crystal that is drybrushed with this colour.
The third drybrush of the crystals was done with a 1:1 mix of White Scar and Flash
Gitz Yellow. A very small amount of the surrounding area was drybrushed with this mix. The crystal and the closest edges to the crystals was then edge highlighted with this mix. (Optional) The final edge highlight from the point to half way down the crystal was done with White Scar.
The crystal and the surrounding area was washed with a 1:1 mix of Tesseract Glow and Lahmian Medium.
That should do, now just repeat lots of times!
Thank you for reading this article. Let me know what you think? Do you have any questions? If you do, add them to the comments below. Happy hobbying.
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