
Showing posts from September, 2023

My Second Underworlds Tournament - Agents Con '23

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds - Contents Page for more articles. On Sunday the 24th of September 2023, I once again journeyed to Market Harborough to play in the Agents Con 23 Nemesis Clash. This time I would taking Magore's Fiends combined with Tooth and Claw. An important point to make, I have never played with Magore's Fiends before! I built the deck ( Savage Magore's ) with the simple premise of getting into my opponent's territory before killing the enemy fighters. The deck had gone through numerous iterations, but I was happy with it. The question is, would I still be happy by the end of the day?   Opponent 1 My first opponent was Andy Smith who was using Ironsoul’s Condemnors with Voidcursed Thralls.  Game 1 went well. Magore's Fiends charged into his territory and proceeded to hack his fighters. I scored glory well taking down his fighters and ticked through my objective deck scoring almost all the cards I drew. The game ended with all Condemno

How I paint - Kharadron Overlords

It has been a few months since I painted a Warhammer Underworlds warband and it was time to clear some of the backlog; it is also one of my hobby goals for 2022. Additionally, I recently bought a set of metallic paints from army painter, which I want to try. So, with the metallic paints and a choice of warbands, I settled on Thundrik's Profiteers. These Kharadon sky duardin are covered in armour and would be perfect for me to try my new paints on. Paints required: The Army Painter paints are denoted with (AP). The Citadel paints are denoted with (Cit). Chaos Black spray (Cit) Mechanicum Standard Grey spray (Cit) Gun Metal (AP) - Cit alternative Leadbelcher Dark Tone (AP) - Cit alternative Nuln Oil Lahmian Medium (Cit) Plate Mail Metal (AP) - Cit alternative Ironbreaker Greedy Gold (AP) - Cit alternative Skullcrusher Brass Balthasar Gold (Cit) Reikland Fleshshade (Cit) Strong Tone (AP) - Cit alternative Agrax Earthshade Bright Gold (AP) - Cit alternative Auric Armour Gold Weapon Br

How I paint - Stormcast Eternals - Gryph hounds

One of my favourite units for the Stormcast Eternals are the Gryph-Hounds. They are a great unit for filling out the spare points in an army or adding a bodyguard/pet to a hero. They are also a fantastic unit for Warcry providing a dose of speed in an otherwise slow warband. From a painting point of view, the Gryph-hound also give you some different textures and colours to paint when compared to your Standard Stormcast fighter. I wanted my Gryph-Hounds to be painted with a relatively natural colour scheme, which was based around greys and light browns. For this guide, I am using the Sleak from the Storm of Celestus, the Stormcast Castigator warband from the Warhammer Underworlds Starter set. My other Stormcast painting guides include: Aetherwings Gryph-hounds Stormcast Eternals - Hallowed Knights Paints required: Chaos Black spray Abaddon Black Mechanicum Standard Grey Dawnstone Administratum Grey Celestra Grey Ulthuan Grey XV-88 Balor Brown Zamesi Desert Zandri Dust Ungor Flesh Seraph

How I paint - Flesh Eaters Court - ghouls.

Back in 2001, my main Warhammer Fantasy Battle army was the Vampire Counts. At the time, I was running an army of ghouls, bats and wolves led by Strigoi Vampires (basically the original ghoul kings). If the current plastic ghoul miniatures were any good, I would have remade my old army for Age of Sigmar. Unfortunately,  the plastic ghoul miniatures are not my favourites although I do like the other miniatures in the small range. When the Grymwatch were released for Warhammer Underworlds, I had finally found some ghoul miniatures that I liked. I wanted to them to look like they had a troglodyte existence. By this I mean, I wanted the flesh colour to be washed out, lacking the warmer red tones of 'living beings'. Paints required: Mechanicum Standard Grey Spray Mechanicum Standard Grey Dawnstone Administratum Grey Cadian Fleshtone Kislev Flesh Flayed One Flesh Morghast Bone Skeleton Horde Lahmian Medium Ushabti Bone Screaming Skull Mournfang Brown Skrag Brown Leadbelcher Ironbreak