
Showing posts from July, 2023

Hobby Goals - July 23

( Red  items were completed this month,  purple  items in previous months) June '23                                                                                                    August '23 As July arrived, I felt the need for a well-deserved break, or at least a change of pace, from my painting endeavors. Surprisingly, by the end of June (181 days into the year), I had managed to paint an impressive 82 miniatures, averaging one miniature every 2.2 days! My focus had been on my Warhammer Underworlds collection, with 46 of them painted so far this year. Since the beginning of the year, six captivating warbands, including the Looncourt, were released, adding up to a total of 24 miniatures. Thankfully, my efforts were paying off, and I was making significant progress in reducing my backlog. Despite purchasing 42 new miniatures this year, I had already managed to paint 82 of them, leading to a gradual decline in my "pile of shame." As July commenced, I set my sights o

Kill Team - Meet the Squad -Tyranids of Beta Anphelion

Of all the armies in Warhammer 40,000, the Tyranids are my favourite. I  have played them for the last three decades in various forms. I even had a  Tyranid army for Epic and I am hoping to see them in Aeronautica Imperialis, in  the not-too-distant future. My Tyranid army for 40k is relatively large but it  has been a few years since I last used it. I have however recently been  painting up a few miniatures to provide options for Kill Team. My Tyranid army is built around the forces 'captured' and 'held' in the Ordo Xenos research station of Beta Anphelion. They will also be used as my opposition for my  Catachan Kill Team . Tyranid Warrior Fire Team Tyranid Warrior (Leader) The alpha beast for my Kill Team will be Tyranid Warrior leader. It is equipped with rending claws, a lash whip, and a bone sword. I have also equipped the miniature with Extended Carapace, Adrenal Glands, and Toxins Sacs. These upgrades could be purchased from my Equipment Points. Tyranid Warrior

How I paint Elf Infantry - Oathmark

Back when I was playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle, I considered playing with an elven army, I even painted a few miniatures, but I never managed to build an army. Now, I have the Oathmark rules, I am planning to have a few units of elves, maybe to have a small army or as allies/elites for a human army. Either way, I want my elves to have an old school Games Workshop, High elf feel; cool blues and whites.   Paints required: Chaos Black spray (Cit) Grey Seer spray (Cit) Mechanicum Standard Grey (Cit) Plate Mail Metal (AP) Drakenhof Nightshade (Cit) Nuln Oil (Cit) Lahmian Medium (Cit) Shining Silver (AP) Zandri Dust (Cit) XV-88 (Cit) Caledor Sky (Cit) Corax White (Cit) Russ Grey (Cit) Agrax Earthshade (Cit) Fenrisian Grey (Cit) Wraithbone (Cit) Tau Light Ochre (Cit) Matt White (AP) Hoeth Blue (Cit) Rakarth Flesh (Cit) Cadian Fleshtone (Cit) Zamesi Desert (Cit) Ushabti Bone (Cit) Retributor Gold Reikland Fleshshade (Cit) Agros Dune (Cit) Wyldwood (Cit) Contrast Medium (Cit) Kislev Flesh (C