Warhammer Underworlds - Wrydhollow warbands

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In the realm of Wyrdhollow, our warbands venture into the depths of the Gnarlwood, where magic has resurged with a vengeance. This season brings forth a delightful array of wizards to accompany our battles. As for myself, I've reignited my passion for painting warbands and have made it a priority to focus on the latest releases rather than my existing backlog.

Domitan's Stormcoven

Grand Alliance: Order (Stormcast Eternals)

Number of Fighters: 3

Access to magic: Three level 1 wizards ( Inspire to level 2)

Top Cards

  • Objectives:
    • Conduit of the Heavens
    • Heavenly Alignment
    • Scouring Arcs
  • Gambits:
    • Celestial Blades
    • Howling Gales
    • Thundershock
  • Upgrades:
    • Blades of Azyr
    • Scrolls of the Spell-seeker
    • The Crown of Storms
Playstyle: Flex

First off, let's delve into Domitan's Stormcoven, a trio of Stormcast wizards. I've chosen to paint them in my signature Hallowed Knights scheme, creating a seamless match with the Truthseekers from Harrowdeep. While these miniatures are certainly impressive, they haven't captured my personal interest as much as others have. My Domitan's Stormcoven - Top Picks

Domitan's Stormcoven

Ephilim's Pandaemonium

Grand Alliance: Chaos (Disciples of Tzeentch)

Number of fighters: 5

Access to magic: One level 2 wizard

Next up is Ephilim's Pandaemonium, a gathering of Tzeentchian Daemons. Leading the warband is the cunning Tzeenchian sorcerer, Ephilim. Accompanying him are the Changers, a group of Tzeenchian daemons. Naturally, a few Pink Horrors found their place within the ranks. When it came to Flamespooler, I envisioned a unique fusion of a Tzaangor and a Lord of Change. In my mind, this called for a blue skin tone with feathers that shifted hues along the spectrum. Painting this warband proved to be quite challenging, as I aimed to maintain a cohesive appearance while incorporating colour variations. 

Ephilim's Pandaemonium

The Headsman's Curse

Grand Alliance: Death (Nighthaunt)

Number of fighters: 4

Access to magic: No wizard

Top Cards
  • Objectives:
    • Bound in Servitude
    • Eager Assistant
    • Off With Their Head!
  • Gambits:
    • Helping Hands
    • Scapegoat
    • You Must Serve
  • Upgrades:
    • Enduring Executor
    • Ethereal Immunity
    • Guided Blow
Playstyle: Aggro

This warband is about setting up supported attacks for the Headsman, your leader. The warband scores objectives, and therefore Glory, by killing enemy fighters. The fighters all have good movement and damage output but would benefit from increased accuracy, especially the Headsman. To inspire, the warband needs to collect three or more condemned counters. Once inspired all the fighters have 2 Dodge in defence. The warband also has a very good Rivals deck, which is well focus to the warband general playstyle. 

I opted to paint The Headman's Curse using the same scheme as my other Nighthaunt models. Starting with the Wielder of the Blade, I wanted to ensure that the sword stood out as the centerpiece of the miniature. Moving on, I focused on the simplest member of the group, the Sharpener of the Blade, who happened to be a Chainrasp. To guide me through the painting process, I relied on my trusty Nighthaunt and Nighthaunt Extra Details guides.

The Headman's Curse

Skabbik's Plaguepack

Grand Alliance: Chaos (Skaven)

Number of fighters: 6

Access to magic: No wizard


Playing against: Try to prevent them inspiring. Take out Skitter as this will cause the Plaguepack to use more powerful fighters to move out of position to Corrupt territories in order to score Objectives.

The final warband for Wyrdhollow, are the Plague Monks of Clan Pestilens, Skabbik's Plaguepack. As per usual, I started by painting the basic miniatures within the group, in order to work out a scheme for the warband. How I paint - Skaven - Clan Pestilens. I started with basic plague monks before moving onto the 'rats' with the billowing plague fumes. 

Skabbik's Plaguepack

With each passing season, Wyrdhollow beckons us deeper into its magical depths, promising thrilling battles and captivating warbands. As I immerse myself in painting these new releases, I can't help but marvel at the diverse array of miniature marvels awaiting us all.

Check out my warbands from other seasons of Warhammer Underworlds:


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