Warhammer Underworlds - Shadespire warbands

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The first season of Warhammer Underworlds was set in the Shyishian city of Shadespire. A city cursed by Nagash. Into this city entered eight warbands.

Each of these warbands gave me a group of miniatures with the flavour of one of the factions from Age of Sigmar. It was, in most cases, a long time ago when I painted these warbands.

The Chosen Axes

Grand Alliance: Order (Fyreslayers)

Number of fighters: 4

Access to magic: No wizard

Playstyle: Aggro

Playing against: Prevent them from inspiring by preventing them from being on objectives. Keep your distance, as they have low movement but need to engage.  

The Chosen Axes are a group of Fyreslayers. Dwarven warriors with flame red hair and lots of gold tattoos.

Farstriders 2.0

Grand Alliance: Order (Stormcast Eternals)

Number of fighters: 3 (Total wounds 12)

Access to magic: No wizard

The Farstriders are a group of Stormcast Vanguard- Hunters. I chose to paint mine up as Hallowed Knights, with their distinctive silver armour. 

Skritch's Clawpack 2.0

Grand Alliance: Chaos (Skaven)

Number of fighters: 5

Access to magic: No wizard

Skritch's Clawpack are a group of Skaven. They are based around the standard warlord clans rather than any of the big four. Warlord Skritch is also one of the best individual fighters in Shadespire. Unfortunately, I have never really liked Skaven, they were always my nemesis when I played Warhammer Fantasy Battle. I did enjoy painting this warband. 

Magore's Fiends

Grand Alliance: Chaos (Blades of Khorne)

Number of fighters: 4 (Total wounds 16)

Access to magic: No wizard

Top Cards

  • Objectives:
    • No escape
    • Khorne Sees Us
    • Show OF strength
  • Gambits:
    • Furious Inspiration
    • Demonic Resilience
    • To the Victor, the Spoils
  • Upgrades:
    • No Respite
    • Brutal Charge
    • Trophy Hunter

Play Style: Aggro

Magore's fiends are classic Khorne Blood Warriors with a fantastic Fleshhound thrown into the mix. Uninspired, they are reasonably accurate and have decent damage output but only have 3 move and 1 Block in defence. They all inspire after making a successful attack. Upon inspiring, they move faster and have improved accuracy. Aim to set up this warband to ensure as many first round charges as possible. Use supporting attacks to improve the chances of successful attack and do not worry if one of your fighters dies, Khorne cares not! Riptooth once inspired is very good.

Steelheart's Champions 

Grand Alliance: Order (Stormcast Eternals)

Number of fighters: 3

Access to magic: No wizard

Steelheart's Champions are another group of Stormcast. These guys are all about melee combat. Not the most exciting of warbands but the classic good guys. Again, these were painted up as Hallowed Knights. 

Ironskullz Boyz

Grand Alliance: Destruction (Ironjawz)

Number of fighters: 4

Access to magic: No wizard

Ironskullz Boyz are a group of Ironjaw Orruks. This warband was painted up more recently than the others, as it is my second attempt. The first attempt was done using yellow for the armour, which I really do not like. So here, these Orruks are wearing no-nonsense iron armour, which has clearly just been beaten into shape. 

Garrek's Reavers

Grand Alliance: Chaos (Blades of Khorne)

Number of fighters: 5

Access to magic: No wizard

Garrek's Reavers are a group of cannibalistic Bloodreavers and are the second Khornate warband in the season. This warband was painted early on when Shadespire was first released. I tried to do a range of skin tones, with varying degrees of success. I think my painting has improved since then.

The Sepuchral Guard 2.0

Grand Alliance: Death (Soulblight Gravelord)

Number of fighters: 7

Access to magic: No wizard

Playstyle: Hold

Playing against: Block objectives by holding them. Try to take out the Sepulchral Warden.

The Sepulchral Guard is the only Death warband from the first Season. A group of Skeleton warriors with a classic fantasy feel. I tried to paint a dirty bone and black scheme, which I was happy with at the time. Now, I am not so sure. 

The first season of Warhammer Underworlds was the start of a great game and an amazing set of miniatures. Season 2 would explore the Nightvault.

Check out my warbands from other seasons of Warhammer Underworlds:


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