Warhammer Underworlds - Nightvault warbands


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Nightvault was the second season of Warhammer Underworlds. This season saw the game delve into the shadowy depths beneath the city of Shadespire.

Mollog's Mob 2.0

Grand Alliance: Destruction (Gloomspite Gitz)

Number of fighters: 4 (Total of 12 wounds)

Access to magic: No wizard

Top Cards

  • Objectives:
    • Block the Enterance
    • Just Too easy
    • Looming Menace
  • Gambits:
    • It's Not Just a Rock!
    • Unnatural Hazards
    • Unsurprising Fear
  • Upgrades:
    • Chuck 'Em In
    • Fresh Menances
    • Grump

Play Style: Aggro

Mollog's mob saw the introduction of the first 'big' fighter backed up with a menagerie of minions. I have only every used Mollog with my Gloomspite Gitz army in Age of Sigmar, never in the Underworlds.

Zarbag's Gitz 2.0

Grand Alliance: Destruction (Gloomspite Gitz)

Number of fighters: 9 (Total of 21 wounds)

Access to magic: One level 2 wizard

Top Cards

  • Objectives:
    • Gitz Everywhere
    • Lurk-Lair
    • Malicious Kill
  • Gambits:
    • Gang Up
    • Gruesome Grimace
    • Sneaky Step
  • Upgrades:
    • Overconfidence
    • Sneaky Shuffler
    • Squinty Glare

Play Style: Flex

Zarbag's Gitz are a Gloomspite Gitz warband. They are the largest warband released to date, with nine members in the group. I enjoyed painting this warband so much that I ended up collecting a small Gloomspite Gitz force. I used two painting guides for this warband How I Paint Moonclan Grots and How I Paint Squigs.

Stormsire's Cursebreakers

Grand Alliance: Order (Stormcast Eternals)

Number of fighters: 3 (Total of 12 wounds)

Access to magic: 

Stormsire's Cursebreakers are a magic heavy Stormcast warband. As with my other Stormcast they have been painted up as the Hallowed Knights How I paint Stormcast - Hallowed Knights.

Ylthari's Guardians

Grand Alliance: Order (Sylvaneth)

Number of fighters: 4 (Total of 13 wounds)

Access to magic: One level 2 wizard

Top Cards

  • Objectives:
    • Lithe Spirits
    • Reclaim the Lamentiri
    • Song of Hatred
  • Gambits:
    • Healing Amphora
    • Leech Power
    • Pangs of the Great Lack (Spell)
  • Upgrades:
    • Constant Growth
    • Inescapable Grasp
    • Warding Stance

Play Style: Flex

Ylthari's Guardians are a relatively weak warband. Their faction cards are poor as they lack focus. In addition, their inspire condition is difficult to achieve due to the lack of available Healing cards. The warband has fighters that can attack at a range of Ranges. They have good accuracy and deal a reasonable quantity of damage. As Aelves, they are fragile having only 3 wounds each and two of the fighters only have 1 defence before inspiring. Upon inspiration, the fighters all gain improvements to their attacks and one fighter improve to 2 defence. The aim with this warband should be to play to your objective cards and attack enemy fighters without leaving you fighters exposed.


Godsworn Hunt

Grand Alliance: Chaos (Slaves to Darkness)

Number of fighters: 6 (Total of 15 wounds)

Access to magic: One level 1 wizard (inspires to level 2)

The Godsworn Hunt are a group of Darkoath barbarians. These were actually last warband I painted for season 2. 

The Thorns of the Briar Queen 2.0

Grand Alliance: Death (Nighthaunt)

Number of fighters: 4 (Total of 19 wounds)

Access to magic: Two wizards, one level 2 and one level 1 wizard.

Top Cards

  • Objectives:
    • Bypass the Guards
    • Distract the Watch
    • Tide of Death
  • Gambits:
    • Backshanker
    • Endless Malice
    • Terrifying Advance
  • Upgrades:
    • Awful Leer
    • Driven by Hatred
    • Unliving Overseer

Play Style:  Flex into Aggro

The Thorns of the Briar Queen are a group of Nighthaunt Chainrasps. This warband would be the start of a large Nighthaunt army. I used my How I paint Nighthaunts guide when painting this warband.

The Eyes of the Nine

Grand Alliance: Choas (Disciples of Tzeentch)

Number of fighters: 5 (Total of 13 wounds)

Access to magic: One level 2 wizard

The Eyes of the Nine are a much loved but underpowered Disciples of Tzeentch warband. Realistically they should hang back and zap the opponent with magic. Unfortunately, they lack punch and cannot take a hit, but they are fun to try and make work.

Thundrik's Profiteers

Grand Alliance: Order (Kharadron Overlords)

Number of fighters: 5 (Total of 14 wounds uninspired, 19 wounds inspired)

Access to magic: No wizard 

Finally, Thundrik's Profiteers a group of Kharadron Overlords. When I painted these, I really wanted to experiment with some different metallic paints. They were an interesting warband to paint but they have strayed a little too far from the classic Dwarven aesthetic for my liking. I used my How I paint Kharadron Overlords guide for this warband.


Nightvault saw the inclusion of magic to the ruleset. It also brought eight fantastic warbands to the setting. Season 3 would move the Underworlds to a new setting in Ghur, the mountain known as the Beastgrave.

Check out my warbands from other seasons of Warhammer Underworlds:


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