How I Paint Zombie Flesh

Zombies have been a staple of many Fantasy and Science Fiction setting for years. Warhammer is no exception. Over the years, I have mainly collected Undead armies for Warhammer Fantasy Battle and Age of Sigmar. Back when I had a Vampire Counts army, I had many hordes of Zombies. Now, I am looking to paint my Exiled Dead warband from Warhammer Underworlds.

To do this, I decided to do some research on the Internet. I know I have ‘stolen’ these ideas from somewhere, but I wrote them done and cannot remember where I got them from.

All the zombies were given an undercoat of Chaos Black spray. I then gave the miniatures a light dusting with Zandri Dust spray. This will make applying the basecoats easier.

Zombie #1

The flesh of the first zombie (or I this case Prentice Marcov) was given a basecoat of Mechanicum Standard Grey. When this was dry the miniature was washed with Reikland Fleshshade. The flesh was first highlighted with Dawnstone thinned with water (I made the paint quite thin and built the highlights up with multiple layers). A final highlight of Karak Stone was applied to define key features, such as the face. Where there was damage on the flesh, I used a little Carroburg Crimson to pick out these 'wounds'. I also painted the wash into the eye sockets to give them some depth. The eyes were then picked out using Pallid Wych Flesh and a dot of The Fang was added for the Iris.

The flesh of this zombie still looks reasonably 'fresh' but clear looks unhealthy.

Zombie #2

The flesh of the second zombie (in this case, Bault the Arcwalker) was given a basecoat of Tallarn Sand. When this was dry the miniature was washed with Seraphim Sepia. The flesh was first highlighted with Morghast Bone thinned with water (I made the paint quite thin and built the highlights up with multiple layers). A final highlight of Flayed One Flesh was applied to define key features, such as the face. Where there was damage on the flesh, I used a little Athonian Camoshade to pick out these 'wounds'. I also painted the wash into the eye sockets to give them some depth. The eyes were then picked out using Pallid Wych Flesh and a dot of The Fang was added for the Iris.

The flesh of this zombie looks more rotten than the first due to the yellowish tinge. 

Zombie #3

The flesh of the third zombie (in this case, Vlash the Arcwalker) was given a basecoat of Rakarth Flesh. When this was dry, the miniature was washed with Reikland Fleshshade. The flesh was first highlighted with Flayed One Flesh thinned with water (I made the paint quite thin and built the highlights up with multiple layers). A final highlight of Pallid Wych Flesh was applied to define key features, such as the face. Where there was damage on the flesh, I used a little Carroburg Crimson to pick out these 'wounds'. I also painted the wash into the eye sockets to give them some depth. The eyes were then picked out using Pallid Wych Flesh and a dot of The Fang was added for the Iris.

The flesh of this zombie is quite pale and makes it look like it recently died.  

Zombie #4

The flesh of the fourth zombie (in this case, Regulus) was given a basecoat of Ionrach Skin. When this was dry, the miniature was washed with Poxwalker. The flesh was first highlighted with Nurgling Green thinned with water (I made the paint quite thin and built the highlights up with multiple layers). A final highlight of Flayed One Flesh was applied to define key features, such as the face. I used a small quantity of Druchii Violet thinned with Lahmian Medium in the recesses to give the flesh a bruised appearance.'. I also painted the wash into the eye sockets to give them some depth. The eyes were then picked out using Pallid Wych Flesh and a dot of The Fang was added for the Iris.

The flesh of this zombie is quite pale and makes it look like it recently died. 


Zombie #5

The flesh of the third zombie (in this case, Cracktomb) was given a basecoat of Mechanicum Standard Grey followed by a second basecoat of Dawnstone. When this was dry, the miniature was washed with Poxwalker. The flesh was first highlighted with Straken Green thinned with water (I made the paint quite thin and built the highlights up with multiple layers). A final highlight of Nurgling Green was applied to define key features, such as the face. Where there was damage on the flesh, I used a little Druchii Violet to pick out these 'wounds'. I also painted the wash into the eye sockets to give them some depth. The eyes were then picked out using Pallid Wych Flesh and a dot of The Fang was added for the Iris.


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