How I paint Beasts of Chaos - Gor Flesh and Fur

When I began painting the Despoilers, I wanted my beastmen to have dark flesh and fur. As I was painting my beastmen, I made a note of the colours I used but I did not take any pictures, as I never intended to make a guide. After I had finished painting these miniatures, I decided to write up the method, in case I needed it again. Then, I thought I might as well share it.

Paints required:

  • Chaos Black spray
  • Mechanicum Standard Grey spray
  • Bugmans Glow
  • Bloodreaver Flesh
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Dryad Bark
  • Steel Legion Drab
  • Nuln Oil
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Gorthor Brown
  • Baneblade Brown
  • Karak Stone
  • Knight-Questor Flesh
  • Rakarth Flesh

The miniature was undercoated with Chaos Black. The miniature was then given a light spray of Mechanicum Standard Grey.

The flesh was then given a basecoat using Bugmans Glow. This was thinned with a little water to help the paint flow.

The flesh was then given a second basecoat with a 3:1 mix of Bloodreaver Flesh and Rhinox Hide. Again, this was thinned with a little water.

The fur was then given a basecoat using Dryad Bark.

The horns were given a basecoat using Steel Legion Drab.

Once the basecoats were all dry the fur was given a wash with Nuln Oil. The aim here is to add some shade to the main body of the fur, it does not need to be too neat, but avoid getting the Nuln Oil on the flesh. The Nuln Oil was allowed to fully dry before all the flesh, horns and fur were washed with Agrax Earthshade. I then left the miniature to dry fully for an hour.

The next step was to dry brush the fur, I used a Small Army Painter Drybrush. I began with Dryad Bark, followed by Gorthor Brown, then Baneblade Brown. To finish, I added a little Karak Stone to Baneblade Brown and did a light drybrush on the fur of the upper most regions of the miniature. With all of these dry brushing steps, I tried to keep the paint on the fur but inevitably some went on the flesh. This does not matter as this will be tidied up in  the next step.

Next I moved onto the flesh. The musculature was redefined with Bloodreaver Flesh leaving the shade in the recesses. The first highlight of the flesh was applied using Knight-Questor Flesh. Final spot highlights of a 3:1 mix of Knight-Questor Flesh and Rakarth Flesh were used to define facial features, knuckles etc..

The horns were then highlighted with Baneblade Brown followed by Karak Stone.

The metal on the miniature was painted using my How I Paint Orruk Armour guide.

Let me know if you found this guide useful. I might try and add some pictures when I paint some more Gors and Ungors. Bye for now.


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