Hobby Goals - April 2023

(Red items were completed this month, purple items in previous months)

March '23                                                                                                       May '23

At the end of March, I decided that I needed to start working through my backlog of Warhammer Underworlds miniatures. I have stopped buying miniatures for other games, for now, and I am trying to get some warbands painted up before any more are released. As such, I began the month by painting three members of Grinkrak's Looncourt: Snorbo Da Spore, Moonface Nagz and Pointy Burk.

While, I was painting these grots, I also painted a squig herder. For all the Moonclan grots, I used my How I Paint Moonclan grots guide.

I then wanted to paint up the squig rider, Prod da Wonky Lance from Grinkrak's Looncourt. For painting the squig, I used my How I Paint Squigs guide. After this miniature, I need to change to something other than Goblins.


I am jumping around between different paint projects now to keep thing interesting, but I am still trying to get through Warhammer Underworlds warbands. So, next I painted the Godsworn Hunt, a group of Darkoath Barbarians. I had painted Grawl many months ago, as such I had five miniatures to paint. Not only did this allow me to tick off 'Paint a Warhammer Underworlds warband' for my hobby goals, but they were also the final warband from Season 2, Nighvault, that I needed to paint to complete the set.

Carrying on with the Underworlds theme, I turned my attention to Grishrak's Despoilers. I devised a dark flesh and fur colour scheme for theses beastmen and painted Draknar, the bestigor. How I Paint Beastmen


At the end of the month, I painted up four more Necron Warriors that had been sitting on my painting table. How I Paint Necron Warriors.

In April, I have managed to paint 15 miniatures. Having purchased zero again, my pile of grey plastic continues to shrink. This year, I have painted a total of 56 miniatures of which 20 were Warhammer Underworlds miniatures. 

Next month, I intend to keep painting my Warhammer Underworlds warbands. Bye for now and if you want to drop me a message in the comments below, I would love to hear from you.


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