How I paint Rockgut Troggoth

When I began painting my Rockgut Troggoths (Stone Trolls), I wanted them to look as though a flesh and blood creature had started to petrify. Most of the stone terrain in my collection is grey with a greenish tinge. This was the colour I wanted to replicate on my trolls. As I was painting my trolls, I made a note of the colours I used but I did not take any pictures, as I never intended to make a guide. After I had finished painting these miniatures, I decided to write up the method, in case I needed it again. Then, I thought I might as well share it.

Paints required.

  • Chaos Black spray
  • Mechanicum Standard Grey spray
  • Skavenblight Dinge
  • Dawnstone
  • Lahmian Medium 
  • Athonian Camoshade
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Administratum Grey
  • Bugmans Glow 
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Screamer Pink
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Stormvermin Fur
  • Kislev Flesh
  • Karak Stone
  • Xereus Purple
  • Mephiston Red

Painting flesh of the Troggoth

I began by given the miniature an undercoat with Chaos Black spray. This was then followed with a light spray of Mechanicum Standard Grey spray. This just helps with the application of the basecoat.

The flesh of the miniature was given a basecoat of Skavenblight Dinge. This was focused on the legs, arms, feet, hands, back and the back of the head.

The scales on the arms, legs and back were given a basecoat of Dawnstone.

Once the basecoats were fully dry, the flesh the scales were washed with a 1:1 mix of Lahmian Medium and Athonian Camoshade. This was then allowed to dry before the flesh was washed with a 1:1 mix of Lahmian Medium and Agrax Earthshade. The scales were then washed with Athonian Camoshade.

The washes were left to fully dry before moving into the next step. The scales were then dry brushed with Dawnstone (I used an Army Painter Small drybrush). This was then followed with a second drybrush of Administratum Grey. It does not matter if a little of the dry brush gets onto the flesh, as this will be tidied up later, but try to avoid this as much as possible.

The ('front' flesh) belly, chest and face were given a basecoat of a 1:1 mix of Bugmans Glow and Rakarth Flesh. This requires couple of coats to get a nice smooth finish. The edges of this area were feathered into the grey of the 'back' flesh. The idea with the feathering is to try and avoid a stark line between the two different areas.

Next, I started to build up the highlights on the grey 'back' flesh with Skavenblight Dinge. Again, I used this paint to feather the edges of the 'front' flesh. 

I then returned to the 'front' and began to glaze the recesses with Screamer Pink mixed with Lahmian Medium. If in doubt, overly thin the Screamer Pink. You can always add more layers, but you cannot take them away.

Once the glazes were dry, I began to highlight the 'front' flesh with layers of the thinned Cadian Fleshtone. Again, this was feathered onto the edges of the grey 'back' flesh.

Then I returned to the grey 'back' flesh. This time the flesh was highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Stormvermin Fur and Skavenblight Dinge. Again, the edges were feathered.

Next, I returned to the 'front' flesh and applied a few layers of a thinned 1:1 mix of Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh on the underparts of the belly, the chest and the face. Again, the edges were feathered.

Next it was back to the 'back’ to highlight the grey flesh with Stormvermin Fur. Keep feathering the edges.

Then back to the 'front' to highlight the belly flesh with thinned Kislev Flesh. Keep feathering the edges.

Then the final highlight on the grey flesh with 1:1 mix of Stormvermin Fur and Karak Stone. Keep feathering the edges.

The final stage on the main body of the flesh was to apply a glaze across the overlapping regions of the front and back flesh with Xerus Purple thinned with Lahmian Medium. If in doubt, overly thin the Xereus Purple. You can always add more layers, but you cannot take them away. I also applied a small quantity of this purple glaze to the recesses on the feet and backs of the hands. I did not add much but enough to give a subtle change of colour.

To give the troggoth a more organic feel, I needed to add some variation to the colour of the flesh, particularly on the face.

I started with the nose. I began by painting Cadian Fleshtone onto the end of the nose, making sure to leave some of the Kislev Flesh showing where the nose meets the cheeks and forehead. The tip of the nose was then painted with a mix of Cadian Fleshtone and a tiny amount of Mephiston Red. 

The lip of the troggoth was painted with a mix of Xereus Purple and Cadian Fleshtone. This was then highlighted by adding small quantities of Kislev Flesh to this mix.

Some other guides that you might find useful:

How I paint Moonclan Grots

How I paint Rockgut Troggoth

How I paint Squigs

How I paint Orruk Armour

Army Collection - Gloomspite Gitz

I hope you found this method useful, and again, I am sorry for the lack of photographs. If you have any questions, please drop them in the comments below. Happy Hobbying.


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