How I paint Wolves - Oathmark

How i paint wolves

Wolves have been a common feature of fantasy stories and fairy tales for many years. When I first read the Hobbit, I came across the idea of goblin wolf riders. Having bought a set of Goblin Wolf Riders for Oathmark, I decided I wanted dark grey wolves and that I also wanted to give the miniatures the impression of being furred. This is my method.

Other Oathmark - How I paint guides:

Paints required:

  • Chaos Black spray
  • Abaddon Black
  • Mechanicum Standard Grey
  • Dawnstone
  • Administratum Grey
  • Grey Seer
  • Nuln Oil
  • Lahmian Medium
  • Xereus Purple
  • Screamer Pink
  • Druchii Violet
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Bugmans Glow
  • Zandri Dust
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Screaming Skull
  • Matt White (AP)
  • Averland Sunset
I began by undercoating the wolves with Chaos Black spray.

1. The upper side of the wolf was painted with a 1:1 mix of Abaddon Black and Mechanicum Standard Grey.

To the underside of the wolf, I applied a coat or two of Mechanicum Standard Grey. With each wolf I varied how high up the miniature this coat reached. This will help preventing uniformity amongst the pack. I feathered the edge of the lighter grey where it overlapped the darker grey.

2. The tail and neck fur were given a wash with a 1:2 mix of Nuln Oil and Lahmian Medium.

The wolf was then dry brushed with Mechanicum Standard Grey. This drybrush starts to give the texture for the fur. 

3. The fur was then highlighted with Mechanicum Standard Grey. I used a fine brush to paint on the fur. I tried to keep the brush strokes in a going in a realistic direction to represent the fur. I thinned the paint to help it flow from the brush more easily. Obviously, you cannot use this colour to highlight the lower half of the wolf as it matches the base coat.

4. The fur was then further highlighted with Dawnstone. Again, the paint was thinned with a little water to help it flow from the brush. These highlights were started lower down the flank of the wolf and will continue down its legs. The same brushstrokes as the previous step were used to provide the fur.

The feet of the wolf were then blocked in with Dawnstone.

5. The fur was then further highlighted with Administratum Grey. Remember to keep lowering the starting point of this highlight compared to the previous step. Keep using the brushstrokes to imitate the fur.

6. The fur was then further highlighted with Grey Seer. This was used very sparingly to really provide a highlight on the lightest grey. Keep using the brushstrokes to imitate the fur.

A final very light dry brush of Grey Seer can be applied to the lower parts of the legs.

7. Optional. Apply a glaze of Xereus Purple to the recesses between the toes and sinews of the legs. Apply a glaze of Cadian Fleshtone to the inside of the ears. These glazes help to give the wolf a more organic feel. 

Once all the fur was complete the eyes, mouth and teeth were painted.

8. The mouth was painted with a 1:1 mix of Xereus Purple and Screamer Pink. It does not matter if this goes over the teeth. The mouth was then washed with Druchii Violet. When this was dry, the tongue was highlighted with Screamer Pink mixed with a little Bugmans Glow

The teeth were then painted with Zandri Dust before being highlighted first with Ushabti Bone and then with Screaming Skull and finally with a 1:1 mix of Screaming Skull and Matt White (AP).

The eyes were painted in with Averland Sunset. Then a dot of Abaddon Black was added for the pupils.

All that remains is to base the miniatures as desired.

This scheme is still a bit of a work in progress, which I am trying to refine. If you have any suggestions, please drop them in the comments below.


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