
Showing posts from February, 2023

How I paint Wolves - Oathmark

Wolves have been a common feature of fantasy stories and fairy tales for many years. When I first read the Hobbit, I came across the idea of goblin wolf riders. Having bought a set of Goblin Wolf Riders for Oathmark, I decided I wanted dark grey wolves and that I also wanted to give the miniatures the impression of being furred. This is my method. Other Oathmark - How I paint guides: Goblin Infantry Elven Infantry D warven Infantry. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Abaddon Black Mechanicum Standard Grey Dawnstone Administratum Grey Grey Seer Nuln Oil Lahmian Medium Xereus Purple Screamer Pink Druchii Violet Cadian Fleshtone Bugmans Glow Zandri Dust Ushabti Bone Screaming Skull Matt White (AP) Averland Sunset I began by undercoating the wolves with Chaos Black spray . 1. The upper side of the wolf was painted with a 1:1 mix of  Abaddon Black  and  Mechanicum Standard Grey . To the underside of the wolf, I applied a coat or two of Mechanicum Standard Grey . With each wolf I varied how