How I Paint - Legions Imperialis - Sons of Horus Green

Paints required:

  • Chaos Black spray
  • Mechanicum Standard Grey
  • Lupercal Green
  • Sons of Horus Green
  • Coelia Greenshade
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • Abaddon Black
  • Leadbelcher
  • Corax White
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Eshin Grey
  • Gryph-Charger Grey
  • Nuln Oil
  • Mephiston Red
  • Evil Suns Scarlet
  • Wild Rider Red

I began by giving the aircraft an undercoat with Chaos
Black spray
. This was then followed with a light spray of Mechanicum
Standard Grey

Then a basecoat of Lupercal Green, thinned with a
little water, was applied over the miniature. I used a large drybrush and
worked quickly, avoiding returning to panels already covered.

When this initial basecoat was fully dry the aircraft was
given a second basecoat with Sons of Horus Green (a layer paint). Again,
this was thinned with a little water and applied with the medium drybrush. Two
or three coats were required to get a nice smooth finish.

When the basecoats were full dry, Coelia Greenshade was
painted into the recesses and around the panels of the aircraft using a small
detail brush (I use synthetic brushes for this job). Try to be neat but do not
worry too much as you can always tidy the miniature up with a little Sons of
Horus Green. Allow the Coelia Greenshade to full dry.

The aircraft was then drybrushed with Sons of Horus Green
using a medium drybrush. This was then followed with a second drybrush using a
1:1 mix of Sons of Horus Green and Ulthuan Grey. Then a third
drybrush of was applied of the previous mix with some additional Ulthuan
added.  This was focused on the
sharp edges of the miniature. Remember to check your progress with each
drybrush, do not overdo each step. You cannot take away the paint, but you can
always add more if necessary. 

The lascannons, the missile launcher and a few panels across the aircraft were given a basecoat with Abaddon Black.

With the main colour of the aircraft complete, it is now time to move on to the metal. The metal details were given a basecoat of Leadbelcher. These details included: the engines, the intake fans, the vertical lift thrusters, the gun barrels, the landing feet and finally, any grills. This step took some time and care was needed not to get the silver onto the green fuselage.

The cockpit glass was painted in with Corax White.

The running lights and lenses were painted with Mephiston Red. These were then highlighted with Evil Suns Scarlet and then with Wild Rider Red.

The metal was then wash with Nuln Oil. The cockpit glass was given two coats of Gryph-Charger Grey. The aircraft was turned upside to allow each coat of Gryph-Charger Grey to fully dry.

The lascannon muzzles and the panel edges were highlighted with Eshin Grey.

When this was all fully dry the metal of the engines and any larger areas of metal were given a drybrush with Leadbelcher. The metal around the engine exhausts were given a drybrush with Baltasar Gold. The ends of the engines were given a light drybrush with Abaddon Black.

The coils on the lascannons and the tips of the missiles were given a basecoat with Balthasar Gold

The aircraft was finished off by applying transfers to denote aircraft number and the Sons of Horus Legion (I am still waiting to get my Chapter symbols).

After applying the transfer, careful paint around the symbol/number with Sons of Horus Green. When this is fully dry, the panel was given a coat of Matt Varnish.

Xiphon Interceptors of the Sons of Horus

I am really pleased with the look of these Space Marine aircraft. 

Let me know if you have any thoughts or questions. Bye for now and 'always watch your six'.


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