Army Collection - Oathmark - Orcs and Goblins

I intend for this article to be a work in progress.

Having discovered Oathmark a few months ago, I started to build an Orc and Goblin army. My choice was based around the fact that I have never had an Orc and Goblin army (although I have just started building a Gloomspite Gitz army). With this in mind, I started to plan a Kingdom for my army. 

The first 550pts

In the Oathmark rulebook, it recommends learning to play the game with a force totalling 550pts. This sized force can be built with one or two boxes of Oathmark miniatures, each costing around £25 but you can find them at a reduced price on the internet.

The first purchase I made for the army was a single frame of Goblin Infantry from eBay. I immediately built these as miniatures as five Goblin Soldiers. The idea was to see if: a) I liked these models and b) to work out a paint scheme. How I Paint - Goblin Infantry 

After finishing these five miniatures, I bought a box of Goblin Infantry and built another fifteen Goblin Soldiers. Once painted I had a full unit of twenty worth a total of 200 points.


The remain fifteen miniatures were built as Goblin Archers. Once painted this unit was worth 150 points.

After painting infantry, I decided I wanted to add some cavalry to the army. So, I bought a box of Goblin Wolf-riders. I painted up the riders in the same scheme as the Infantry before devising a scheme for the wolves. How I paint -Wolves. I started with a unit of five Wolf-riders once painted these were worth 200 points.

Goblin wolf riders

I now had a small Goblin force worth 550 points. In the Oathmark rule book it suggests playing a few introductory games at this points level to begin learning the rules.

Moving onto a 1000pts

Oathmak Orc Soldiers

In July 2022, North Star miniatures released the Orc Infantry miniatures. I wanted to add some Orcs to my Goblin army as they hit considerably harder than Goblins. I began by making a small unit of Orc Soldiers.  Then I painted up a Goblin Captain to lead my Goblin Soldiers.

Oathmark Goblin Captain

Next, I am planning in add a few more Orc Soldiers to my army along with some more Wolfriders. I could also use my Rockgut Troggoths, from my Gloomspite Gitz (Age of Sigmar) army as trolls.

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  1. Hello Jon! Nice blog You have here! Did You manage to play your first Oathmark battle? I play with my sons (we have around 3000 point worth of each armies: human, dwarf, goblin, and some elves too) and we really enjoy it, its pretty quick and easy but still tactical enough. Unfortunately, time is never enough, so my blogging is on hold, I rather play and paint in my free time... But I would be interested in your opinion about it! BZ

  2. Hello, thank you for the comment. I have managed to a get two games in, but it is hard to find opponents around here. I really liked the game and found it was quick and had plenty of tactical nuance. You comment has made me want to paint up some more of my Orcs, so expect to see a couple more completed in February. I have been thinking of other games to play on my YouTube channel, so maybe I will try some Oathmark. Orcs and Goblin v Dwarves, it feel just right.

    1. Subscribed, and waiting for the battle reports! :)

    2. Now I am feeling the pressure. It might be a few weeks yet!

    3. No pressure! There is enough stress around is, even within our little hobby world...

    4. I have bought a few more Goblin Champions for my army today. Getting myself ready to record some games. I need a few more dwarves first though.


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