How I paint Dwarven Infantry - Oathmark

When I started collecting miniature, way back in 1990, my first miniatures were Dwarves. At the time, these were all metal miniatures for Warhammer Fantasy Battle and as a kid I could never afford many. As a result, I was never able to afford an army. With my discovery of Oathmark, I am now able to build my childhood Dwarven army.

Paints required:

  • Chaos Black spray
  • Gun Metal (AP)
  • Plate Mail Metal (AP)
  • Shining Silver (AP)
  • Dark Tone (AP)
  • Strong Tone (AP)
  • Soft Tone (AP)
  • Weapon Bronze (AP)
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Bugmans Glow
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Kislev Flesh
  • Mephiston Red
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Skrag Brown 
  • Deathclaw Brown
  • Doombull Brown
  • Dryad Bark
  • Gorthor Brown
  • XV-88
  • Tau Light Ochre
  • Steel Legion Drab
  • Karak Stone
  • Khorne Red
  • Evil Suns Scarlet
  • Wild Rider Red
  • Carroburg Crimson

When I painted the miniature, I effectively worked on four distinct sections: the amour, the faces and beard, the leather work, and finally the coloured cloth. Additionally, the shield was painted separately from the rest of the miniature. 

The Armour and Weapons

I began by undercoating the miniature with Chaos Black spray.

The armour was first dry brushed with Gun Metal (AP) and then with Plate Mail Metal (AP). For this stage I did not worry about being neat.

The armour was then shaded with a wash of Dark Tone (AP).

The armour was highlighted with a dry brush of Plate Mail Metal (AP) and then with Shining Silver (AP).

To add a little variety to the armour a few sections were painted bronze. I focused this colour on the rim of the helmet and the shoulders. The bronze armour was given a basecoat with Balthasar Gold (Cit). This was then shaded with a wash of Strong Tone (AP), highlight with Weapon Bronze (AP).

The Face and Beard

With the armour complete, I moved onto the face and beard of the miniature. These areas of the miniature draw the eye. I began with a base coat of Bugmans Glow (Cit) over the flesh (don't forget the hands), this was then followed with a second basecoat of Cadian Fleshtone (Cit).

Paint the beard Mournfang Brown. Wash with Agrax Earthshade (or Strong Tone). 

The flesh was then shaded with a wash of Reikland Fleshshade (Cit)

To highlight the flesh with Cadian Fleshtone, then with 1:1 mix of Cadian Fleshtone and Kislev Flesh. Minimal highlights of Kislev Flesh on areas such as the knuckles. Mix a small quantity of Mephiston Red and Cadian Fleshtone and paint onto the nose and the lip, add more Mephiston Red to mix and apply to the tip of the nose. 

Dry brush the bear with Mournfang Brown, then Skrag Brown and finally with Deathclaw Brown. Use a fine brush to highlight the beard with Deathclaw Brown by painting individual hairs.

Paint the eyes.


Next, I moved onto the various leathers found across the miniature. The boots, the belts etc.

The boots and the belts were painted Rhinox Hide. Care was taken to leave the silver of the belt buckle showing through.

The outer belt was painted with XV-88

The dagger scabbard was painted with Mournfang Brown.

The purse was painted with Steel Legion Drab

These were all shaded with a wash of Strong Tone (AP).

The boots and belts were then highlighted with Doombull Brown.

The outer belt was highlighted with XV-88 and then with a 1:1 mix of XV-88 and Tau Light Ochre.

The scabbard was highlighted with Mournfang Brown and then with Skrag Brown.

Finally, the purse was highlighted with Steel Legion Drab and then a 1:1 mix of Steel Legion Drab and Karak Stone.

The Coloured Cloth

With the various browns finished, it was time to move on to some brighter colours. I will be using these colours to distinguish different units within my army.

I wanted my Dwarves to have a bright red uniform, with a yellowish secondary colour for the trousers.

The hood, sleeves, and skirt of the dwarves were painted with Khorne Red. This was then washed with Carroburg Crimson

The trousers were painted with XV-88. These were then shaded with Soft Tone (AP).

Once the washes had dried, the red was highlighted first with a Mephiston Red and the then with Evil Suns Scarlet and finally with a limited quantity of Wild Rider Red.

The trousers were highlighted with 1:1 mix of XV-88 and Tau Light Ochre and then with Tau Light Ochre.

Alternative - Blue cloth

The hood, sleeves, and skirt of the dwarves were painted with Kantor Blue. This was then washed with Drakenhof Nightshade. When this was dry, the blue was highlighted first with a 1:1 mix of Kantor Blue and Alaitoc Guard Blue and the then secondly with Alaitoc Guard Blue.

Alternative - Green cloth

The hood, sleeves, and skirt of the dwarves were painted with Caliban Green. This was then washed with Nuln Oil. When this was dry, the blue was highlighted first with a 1:1 mix of Caliban Green and Moot Green and the then secondly with Moot Green.

Final details

The final detail was to paint the hilt of the dagger. This was given a coat of Weapon Bronze. Then the strapping on the hilt was painted Khorne Red. When this was dry it was given a thinned wash of Strong Tone (AP).

The axe handle was painted with Dryad Bark. This was washed with Agrax Earthshade. Once this was fully dry it was first highlighted with a 1:1 mix of Dryad Bark and Gorthor Brown and then with Gorthor Brown. The highlights were painted on as stripes to give an illusion of wood grain.

The shield was then attached before the miniature was based as desired.

Other Oathmark - How I paint guides:

If you have any questions about this guy. Please drop them in the comments below. Happy Hobbying.


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