Aeronautica Imperialis - Faction Review - Space Marines

Aeronautica Imperialis is back for a third year with the Wrath of Angels, and I cannot wait. I love this game. I love the idea of aerial combat; the miniatures are gorgeous and now we have two more playable forces. This I think is the most crucial point about this third year's release: two more playable factions, the Aeldari and the Space Marines (Adeptus Astartes). The marines could draw a lot of new blood into the game, which can only benefit existing players.

The Adeptus Astartes (or as they were previously known the Space Marines) are the most iconic faction in Warhammer 40,000. They are known for their ability in a short-ranged firefight and durability. Let us see how this plays out in this game. 

Faction review links:

More of my Aeronautica articles can be found here.

You can also checkout my YouTube channel (Jon Grant Miniatures)

The Space Marines

The Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, are tough, well-armed and often outnumbered. They are an unsubtle force that is more than happy to fly directly into the fire of the opponents and blast out of the other side leaving little but burning wrecks in their wake. They lack speed and manoeuvrability, but this is compensated for with durability. I have a feeling they will be a forgiving force but, as I have already said, frequently outnumbered. They will, therefore, require some skill against a more experienced opponent who understands the intricacies of the movement phase. The biggest draw for me, is playing Space Marines versus Space Marines in a Horus Heresy style battle. Finally, they are going to get Thunderhawks!

How many models are available in the range?

Currently, there are rules for four Space Marine aircraft and two ground defences
The four aircraft are:
  • Xiphon Interceptor
  • Storm Eagle
  • Fire Raptor Gunship
  • Thunderhawk Gunship
The two ground defences are:
  • Icarus Stormcannon
  • Skyspear Missile Launcher

Xiphon Interceptor

Dark Angel Xiphon Interceptors

The Xiphon Interceptor is a durable, well-armed and manoeuvrable fighter aircraft. With its good Max Speed and access to almost all of the Ace Manoeuvres you can expect to get this fighter into the action and position it where it needs to be. The fighter also has a reasonable low Min Speed of 2 and a Throttle value of 3. Together, these stats allow the plane to reposition itself with a high level of unpredictability.

The Xiphon Interceptors main armament are a battery of Quad Lascannons [0/4/2 2+(6+)], which is a powerful weapon at medium range. Where it is lacking is at short range, here it cannot be used at all, not especially useful in close dogfight!

Loyalist Blood Angels against the traitor Emperor's Children

The Xiphon is also armed with Rotary Frag Missile Launcher [2/2/1 5+], which gives some much need Short ranged firepower. Alternatively, it can be replaced with either or both Krak or Hunter-Killer Missiles both with an ammo count of 3. These missiles give the fighter a range of tactical options. Armed with Krak Missiles [2/2/2 3+(6+)], the Xiphon becomes an effective ground attack fighter, which could be used to hunt down ground defences and assets. With Hunter-Killer Missiles [0/2/2 3+ (6+)], the Xiphon can snipe enemy planes from the skies at long range. 

I always upgrade my Xiphons to have two sets of Hunter Killer missiles, making this aircraft deadly at medium range. Overall, I rate this aircraft to one of the best aircraft in the game.

Storm Eagle Gunship

The Storm Eagle is a fighter, albeit a strange one. It has 4 Structure points and a Transport Capacity of 2. Additionally, it lacks the manoeuvrability and the top end Maximum Speed of the more traditional fighters of other races. It does have a lot in common with the Imperial Valkyrie.

The Storm Eagle, like most Space Marine aircraft is a flying brick. For a fighter, it is extremely durable, but it has a low Maximum Speed and Manoeuvrability. This is aircraft will rely on 'tanking' enemy fire rather than avoiding it. It can, however, hover due to its minimum speed of 0 and with a throttle of 2 this aircraft could go from a speed of 5 to 1 with a sudden change of altitude; leaving the enemy guessing as to its final position.

The Storm Eagle is armed with Quad Lascannons [0/4/2 2+(6+)], which is a powerful weapon at medium range, although it does lack Short ranged firepower. This is compensated for with Twin Heavy Bolters [3/1/0 5+] and Dual Frag Missile Pods [3/3/1 5+]. The Frag Missile Pods can be upgraded with Dual Krak or Hunter-Killer Missiles both with an ammo count of 3. These missiles give the fighter a range of tactical options. Armed with Dual Krak Missiles [3/3/3 3+(6+)], the Storm eagle becomes an effective ground attack fighter, which could be used to hunt down ground defences and assets. With Hunter-Killer Missiles [0/3/3 3+ (6+)], the Storm Eagle can snipe enemy planes from the skies at long range. These upgrades make the aircraft expensive, but worth it.

Overall, a solid addition to scenarios requiring Transport capacity but be aware its slow speed means that true fighters can easily get behind it and shoot it down. I have found this aircraft to be very effective.

Fire Raptor Gunship

The Fire Raptor, like the Storm Eagle is heavy fighter. It, however, sacrifices the Storm Eagle's transport capacity for extra firepower. It is equipped with a front mounted Avenger Bolt Cannon [3/7/0 4+(6+)] and a Hellstrike Missile Launcher for Ground Attack [2/2/2 3+ (6+)].  Additionally, the Fire Raptor also has two turret mounted Heavy Bolters [6/2/0 5+], which can fire to either side of the aircraft. These can then be upgraded to either Autocannons [1/4/0 4+] or to Lascannons [0/2/1 2+(6+)]. Personally, I prefer the Lascannon, which will give the Fire Raptor a ridiculous amount of firepower at medium range. Overall the Lascannon has the greatest chance of causing damage.

Additional note, when I built mine, I decide to go with the Heavy Bolters. Overall, these were cheaper and gave me some excellent short ranged firepower, something the force as a whole lacks.

The Fire Raptor, like its counterpart the Storm Eagle is a flying brick. For a fighter, it has a high durability but a low Maximum Speed and Manoeuvrability. This is aircraft will rely on 'tanking' enemy fire rather than avoiding it. It can, however, hover due to its minimum speed of 0 and with a throttle of 2 this aircraft could go from a speed of 5 to 1 with a sudden change of altitude.

Overall, in the games I have played with this aircraft I have found it a little underwhelming. It was a little too slow and did not have enough air-to-air firepower. I think it is probably better in ground attack missions. I found it to be very effective in a Canyon Attack Run mission.

Thunderhawk Gunship

First and foremost, this is a Thunderhawk Gunship, one of the most iconic vehicles from the Warhammer 40,000 Universe. In Aeronautica Imperialis, it is the lone Space Marine vehicle with the type: Bomber. As such, you will need to include it in some scenarios.

This aircraft takes the Space Marine durability to another level with 8 Structure points. I will almost definitely take an Armoured Crew Compartment (see below) upgrade for this aircraft and possibly Ceramite Plating as well.

The Thunderhawk has a Max Speed of 5 and only has access to 4 Ace Manoeuvres. It does, however, have a formidable arsenal of weapons, which allows it to shoot all around. Its main weapon is a Turbo Laser Destructor [2/2/3 2+(4+)], which can fire forwards and up, but not down, so not much use against ground targets. A bit strange for a bomber! It also has Twin Lascannons [0/2/1 2+(6+)] providing additional forward punch. Finally, it has four Heavy Bolters [4/1/0 5+], each with a different firing arc. 

The Thunderhawk's primary role is an orbital drop ship, carrying its cargo of Space Marines to the heart of a battle. To this end, the Thunderhawk has a Transport capacity of 4. With its high durability, little short of concentrated fire from the opponent's entire force will stop this aircraft reaching the landing zone.

At 44pts, this aircraft is expensive, but in a mission requiring the transport of troops or a bomber, the Thunderhawk is a fearsome weapon is the armoury of the Space Marines. Additionally, two structure point fighters do last long in the Thunderhawk's front arc.

Icarus Stormcannon

This rapid firing ground defence of the Space Marines has an effective altitude of 3, which is better than its counterparts from the other factions in Aeronautica (it is as good as the Aeldari equivalent). It can fire at all ranges [5/5/2 5+] and can only be avoided by aircraft flying at Altitude 5. Orks, for example, cannot avoid this air defence, as their max altitude is 4. Overall, the defence is a good option, costing only 9pts and it will be invaluable for defending your ground targets.

Skyspear Missile Launchers

Missile Silo from the Adeptus Titanicus Accessories sprue

This ground defence, armed with missiles, is far more effective than its counterpart in scenarios without specific ground targets. It has an effective altitude of 4 and a weapon profile [2/2/1 4+(6+)] that allows it to take out any aircraft that come within its long range. For 7pts, this is a good defence, but for 2pts more you can have the more effective Icarus Stormcannon.

The  Adeptus Astartes Ground Defences are only available from Forge World, and as such are quiet expensive. Alternatively, you could get the Adeptus Titanicus
Accessories sprue. This sprue has a couple of radar turrets, a command
bunker but importantly, a missile silo and a cannon. The missile silo could be used as a Skyspear Missile Launcher, as in the picture above. Additionally, the command bunker or the radar turret could be used as a ground target.

For me, points should only be spent on upgrades to avoid wasting them. Do not waste point on upgrades when they could be better spent on more aircraft. Overall, I am not a huge fan of upgrades, but the Space marines have access to some of the best upgrades in the game.

Armoured Crew Compartment gives the aircraft a save of a 6 against any damage. This is particularly good for Space Marines as their aircraft have so many structure points. Ceramite Plating as also very good as it reduces the chance of damage from the powerful Extra Damage Weapons. Infra-Red Targeting is also extremely useful with Space Marines because so many of their weapon's work at medium range.

The other upgrades are use 'Once per game'. The Techmarine allows for the repair of one point of structure damage on a 5+, but why not take the Armoured Crew Compartment and avoid the damage in the first place? On a reread of the upgrade, you get to roll one dice per structure point lost. Therefore, a Thunderhawk that has lost 7 Structure points would get 7 dice to regain structure points. so, the Techmarine is worth it on a Thunderhawk.

Building your own Adeptus Astartes Air Force

When building my Adeptus Astartes Air Force, I started with a copy of the Wrath of Angels boxset. This box set gave me five Space Marine aircraft: three Xiphon Interceptors and two Storm Eagle Gunship.

There is only one way to build the Xiphon Interceptors and only one way to build the Storm Eagles. So, I just constructed the miniatures as they were. 

I intend to use only two Storm Eagles in my Space Marine force as I think the Fire Raptors and the Thunderhawks are better. I do want to include a few Xiphon Interceptors for some added manoeuvrability, but overall, I am not that fond of their lack of short-range firepower. I may arm a couple of Xiphon for Ground Attack, to remove ground defences. The main additions to the Wrath of Angels core set will be some Fire Raptors, armed with Heavy Bolters (originally I considered Autocannons for the massive firepower at Medium range) turrets, and a Thunderhawk Gunship or two. 

My plan is to use this force in waves. Each wave defending the rear arcs of the front gunships. Xiphon Interceptors will be used to guard the rear of my force.

If you have any questions please ask them in the comments sections. 

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  1. These articles have been fantastic. I have been looking to start a marine force. In your force build you said you would use autocannons on the fire raptors, but in the fire raptor section you said you preferred lascannons turrets; is there a reason to choose one over the other?

  2. Thank you for the positive comments. I have added some additional notes for you on the different loadouts for the Fire Raptor. I hope these help.


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