How I paint Elf Infantry - Oathmark

How I paint Elven Infantry

Back when I was playing Warhammer Fantasy Battle, I considered playing with an elven army, I even painted a few miniatures, but I never managed to build an army. Now, I have the Oathmark rules, I am planning to have a few units of elves, maybe to have a small army or as allies/elites for a human army. Either way, I want my elves to have an old school Games Workshop, High elf feel; cool blues and whites. 

Paints required:

  • Chaos Black spray (Cit)
  • Grey Seer spray (Cit)
  • Mechanicum Standard Grey (Cit)
  • Plate Mail Metal (AP)
  • Drakenhof Nightshade (Cit)
  • Nuln Oil (Cit)
  • Lahmian Medium (Cit)
  • Shining Silver (AP)
  • Zandri Dust (Cit)
  • XV-88 (Cit)
  • Caledor Sky (Cit)
  • Corax White (Cit)
  • Russ Grey (Cit)
  • Agrax Earthshade (Cit)
  • Fenrisian Grey (Cit)
  • Wraithbone (Cit)
  • Tau Light Ochre (Cit)
  • Matt White (AP)
  • Hoeth Blue (Cit)
  • Rakarth Flesh (Cit)
  • Cadian Fleshtone (Cit)
  • Zamesi Desert (Cit)
  • Ushabti Bone (Cit)
  • Retributor Gold
  • Reikland Fleshshade (Cit)
  • Agros Dune (Cit)
  • Wyldwood (Cit)
  • Contrast Medium (Cit)
  • Kislev Flesh (Cit)

The miniature was given an undercoat of Chaos Black spray. This was then followed with a brush applied coat of thinned Mechanicum Standard Grey. The darker undercoat is providing a good base for the metallics, but I did not want black I was intending to use brighter colours for the rest of the miniature.

The Shield was painted separately from the main miniature. The shield was undercoated with Grey Seer spray.

The metal

The metal was given a basecoat of Plate Mail Metal (AP) over the grey undercoat. The metal was then washed with a 1:3:2 mix of Drakenhof NightshadeNuln Oil and Lahmian Medium. The metal was then dry brushed with Plate Mail Metal and then with Shining Silver. The helmet and the sword were further highlighted with thinned Shining Silver, to give a more solid look to the colour.

The textiles - basecoats

After finishing the metal, I moved onto the various cloth/textiles on the miniature. The key here was to be nice and neat. Do not get these colours on the metal or it will  e difficult to fix.

The gloves were given a basecoat of Zandri Dust.

The boots and belt were given a basecoat of XV-88.

The edging of the mail armour was given a basecoat of Caledor Sky.

The cloth underskirt was given a basecoat of Corax White.

The legs were given a basecoat of Russ Grey (this required two coats).

The textiles - shading

The gloves and boots were shaded with a wash of Agrax Earthshade thinned with Lahmian Medium (I did find this a little dark on the gloves and I might try Skeleton Horde thinned with Lahmian Medium, in the future).

The blue edging was shaded with Drakenhof Nightshade.

The white under skirt was shaded with Fenrisian Grey thinned, to a wash consistency, with Lahmian Medium.

The textiles - highlighting

The gloves were highlighted first with Zandri Dust and then with a 1:1 mix of Zandri Dust and Wraithbone.

The boots and belt were highlighted first with XV-88. and then with a 1:1 mix of XV-88 and Tau Light Ochre.

The edging of the mail armour was highlighted first with Caldor Sky and then with a 1:1 mix of Caledor Sky and Hoeth Blue.

The cloth underskirt was highlighted with Matt White (AP).

The legs were highlighted with Fenrisian Grey.

Head, hair and gold - basecoats

The hair and the face were given a thinned basecoat of Zandri Dust. This was to make the next few steps easier to apply.

The flesh was given a basecoat of Rakarth Flesh mixed with a little Cadian Fleshtone, which adds a little warmth to the Rakarth Flesh.

I wanted a classic blonde hair for my elf. The hair was base coated with a 1:1 mix of Ushabti Bone and Zamesi Desert.

The gold chest piece and sword hilt were given a basecoat with a 2:1 mix of Retributor Gold and Shining Silver (AP).

Head, hair and gold - shading

The flesh was washed with Reikland Fleshshade thinned with a little Lahmian Medium.

The hair was given a wash with a 2:1 mix of Agros Dunes and Lahmian Medium.

The gold was shaded with a 1:4 mix of Wyldwood and Contrast Medium.

Head, hair and gold - Highlighting

The flesh was highlighted with Kislev Flesh. The face was finished off by painting in the eyes.

The hair was highlighted with Ushabti Bone thinned with a little water.

The gold was highlighted with 2:1 mix of Retributor Gold and Shining Silver (AP). A few final highlights were then applied with Shining Silver, try to keep these very subtle.

Finishing details

The face was finished off by painting in the eyes.

Around the neckline of the armour is a collar. I painted this with Caldor Sky and highlighted it with a 1:1 mix of Caledor Sky and Hoeth Blue.

The Shield

The reverse of the shield was given a basecoat of Rakarth Flesh. When this was dry, this was shaded with Seraphim Sepia. This was allowed to dry before a thinned wash of Agrax Earthshade was applied. The wood grain was then subtly highlighted with a thinned Ushabti Bone.

The shield face was painted as desired. I painted it white, using Matt White (AP). I intend to add a transfer to the shield, once I have found one I like.

The shields will then be attached to the miniature with superglue.


Base as desired. I attach sand to the base with PVA and leave to dry overnight. The next day, this was painted with Rhinox Hide. When it was dry, it was dry brushed with Gorthor Brown, then Karak Stone, then lightly with Ushabti Bone. To finish, patches of static grass were glued to the base with PVA. Nothing special.

I hope you like my take on the Oathmark Elven Infantry, from North Star. If you have any comments, please drop them down below. Happy Hobbying.


  1. Thanks for posting this recipe - used this as a starting point for painting my own Oathmark Elves and really pleased with the results so far.


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