How I paint Goblin Infantry - Oathmark

A couple of
weeks ago, I discovered Oathmark, a mass fantasy battle game. Liking the look
of the game I bought a box of the Goblin Infantry. I made the first few
miniatures up as Goblin Soldiers with hand weapons and shields. I also think these miniatures would work well for Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game from Games Workshops.


  • Chaos Black spray

  • Leadbelcher

  • Mournfang Brown

  • Skrag Brown

  • Skavenblight Dinge

  • Stormvermin Fur

  • Dryad Bark

  • Khorne Red

  • Evil Suns Scarlet

  • Abaddon Black

  • Steel Legion Drab

  • Baneblade Brown

  • Karak Stone

  • Army Painter Strong Tone
    (Note Agrax Earthshade is not an equivalent!)

  • Rhinox Hide

  • Doombull Brown

  • Balthasar Gold

  • Zandri Dust

  • Dawnstone

  • Administratum Grey
  • Xereus Purple

The miniature was undercoated
with Chaos Black spray. The metal on the miniature was then dry brushed with
Leadbelcher. I was not careful with this dry brush, as the next stages will
tidy the miniature up.

Next, I applied all the various
basecoats to the miniatures. For this I used the citadel synthetic layer
brushes (small and medium). The flesh was given a base coat of Skavenblight
. The wooden handles were painted with Dryad Bark. The clothing was
painted with either Mournfang Brown or Rhinox Hide. The leather belt was
painted with Abaddon Black. The pouch on the miniatures belt was painted with
Steel Legion Drab. The fur on the miniature was given a base coat of Dawnstone.
The dagger hilt was picked out with Balthasar Gold and then the strapping on
the handle was painted with Zandri Dust. The teeth were also picked out with
Zandri Dust.

I wanted
red to be the identifying colour for my unit, so I used Khorne Red for an item
of clothing. On this miniature it was the trousers. 


Once all
the base colours were dry the whole miniature was washed with Army Painter
Strong Tone
. This was left to dry thoroughly.

Once the
wash as dry, the armour was given a light dry brush with Leadbelcher. The idea
was just to return some shine to the metal, but not to get any metallic paint
on any other part of the miniature.

The Mournfang
was highlighted with Mournfang Brown and then with Skrag Brown. The
Rhinox Hide was highlighted with Doombull Brown. The flesh was highlighted with
Stormvermin Fur. The teeth were then picked out with Karak Stone. The lip was painted with a mix of Xereus Purple and Skavenblight Dinge.

The pouch
was highlighted with Steel Legion Drab and then with Karak Stone. The fur was
highlighted with Dawnstone and then with Administratum Grey. The wooden weapon
hafts were given a light dry brush with Karak Stone.

The red
cloth was highlighted with Khorne Red and then with a 1:1 mix of Khorne Red and
Evil Suns Scarlet.

The shield
was painted in the Abaddon Black, this required two coats to get a nice solid

With all
these highlights, I applied them relatively quickly. The aim was always to
brighten up the base colours after they were dulled by the wash. These miniatures
are rank and file troops, so the idea is they look good as a group. As such, I
am not worried about the fine details, but neatness is important. 

To finish
the miniature was based as desired.

miniatures are quick to paint, and the unit looks good as a whole. For other
units I am intending to use different identifying colours, such as green and
blue. They are also relatively quick to paint, and this method works well for
batch painting. I am also going to use this method for the riders on the wolves.

Oathmark Goblin Soldiers

If you
have any comments, drop me a line, I love to read them. Happy Hobbying.



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