How I paint Goblin Infantry - Oathmark
A couple of weeks ago, I discovered Oathmark, a mass fantasy battle game . Liking the look of the game I bought a box of the Goblin Infantry . I made the first few miniatures up as Goblin Soldiers with hand weapons and shields. I also think these miniatures would work well for Middle Earth Strategy Battle Game from Games Workshops. Paints required: Chaos Black spray Leadbelcher Mournfang Brown Skrag Brown Skavenblight Dinge Stormvermin Fur Dryad Bark Khorne Red Evil Suns Scarlet Abaddon Black Steel Legion Drab Baneblade Brown Karak Stone Army Painter Strong Tone (Note Agrax Earthshade is not an equivalent!) Rhinox Hide Doombull Brown Balthasar Gold Zandri Dust Dawnstone Administratum Grey Xereus Purple The miniature was undercoated with Chaos Black spray . The metal on the miniature was then dry brushed with Leadbelcher . I was not careful with this dry brush, as the next stages will tidy the miniature up. Next, I applied all the various basecoats to the miniat...