How to paint Nighthaunts - Extra details
I recently published a How I paint Nighthaunts guide based on the Chainrasps. This guide covers many of the basics I have used to paint my Nighthaunts army. When, I began to paint more interesting characters and units, I needed new recipes to deal with the different aspects of each unit.
These are some of the extra details I have used.
Green spirit energy
Basecoat with Ulthuan Grey. Then was with Biel-Tan Green. When this was dry wash with Lamenters Yellow. Then wash with Hexwraith Flame. Highlight with Moot Green. Finally, finish with minimal highlights with Pallid Wych Flesh.
Sword of Stolen Hours
The sword blade was given a basecoat of Caliban Green over a Chaos Black undercoat. Heavily watered down Warpstone Green was then applied to the top two- thirds of the blade. When this was fully dry, a second coat was applied to the top half of the blade. Then heavily watered down Moot Green was applied to the top third of the blade. Again, when this was fully dry, a second coat was applied to the tip of the blade. The Moot Green was then applied to the edge of the blade. Finally, Yriel Yellow was mixed into the watered-down Moot Green. This was applied to the edges of sword towards the tip of the blade.
Grave Roses
The briars were given a basecoat of Deathworld Forest. The flowers were given a basecoat of Xerus Purple. When the basecoats were both dry, the briars were washed with Athonian Camoshade and the flowers were washed with Druchii Violet. The briars were then highlighted with Elysian Green. The flowers were highlighted with Genestealer Purple. When highlighting the flowers, individual lines were painted at the top of each petal.
The candles were painted with Screamer Pink. When this was fully dry, wash the candle with Nuln Oil, do not allow it to pool. The melted wax on the candles was then highlighted with Pink Horror and then with finer highlights of Cadian Fleshtone.
Old Gold
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