Aeronautica Imperialis - Faction Review - The Imperial Navy


In Warhammer 40,000 the Imperium of Man is the central focus of the story. The Imperium is beset on all sides by Heretics, Daemons and Xenos. It is only fitting that the Imperial Navy were one of the first two factions released for Aeronautica Imperialis, with the original box set, Wings of Vengeance. Then during the second wave of releases with the box set, Skies of Fire, they received even more aircraft. In Wings of Vengeance, the Imperial Navy are fighting an Ork Air Waaagh! in the skies of Rynn's World, the Adeptus Astartes homeworld of the Crimson Fist. In Skies of Fire, the Imperium has return to Ta'ros to reclaim this world from the Tau Empire. If you would like to read my review of the Tau Empire then click on this link.

If you would like a guide to how I painted my Imperial Navy aircraft, please click on the link.

More of my Aeronautica articles can be found here.

Or check out my YouTube channel (Jon Grant Miniatures)

Imperial Navy

The Imperial Navy have the largest range of miniatures of any faction in Aeronautica. Combined with this they have the greatest range of weapon options. This results in a force that can 'gear up' to take on any opponent. Again, because of the range of planes available they can match the speed of the Orks and the manoeuvrability of the Tau. The main strength of the Imperial Navy is its versatility. In short, they have a plane for the job needing to be done (although, as you might see later it is probably the same plane for most jobs!). Whilst the number of factions and therefore playstyles in the game is small, the Imperial Navy will be powerful. At present, they are probably the most powerful faction in the game. We will have to see if the Aeldari or Adeptus Astartes can do something about that. If you are planning to beat them, you need to get up close and personal quickly or try and duel it out at long range. If the Navy can bring its weapons to bear at Medium range, then all you can expect, as an opponent, is a fiery death before crashing into the ground.

How many models are available in the range?

Currently, there are rules for nine Imperial aircraft and three Imperial ground defences. 
The nine aircraft are:
  • Thunderbolt and Thunderbolt Fury
  • Lightning (and the Lightning Strike variant)
  • Avenger
  • Valkyrie (and the Vendetta variant)
  • Vulture
  • Marauder
  • Marauder Destroyer
  • Arvus

The Thunderbolt/Thunderbolt Fury and the Marauders are available in the Wings of Vengeance starter sets. The lightnings and Valkyries/Vendettas are available in the Skies of Fire core set.

the ground defences are:

Manticore Missile Defence
Hydra Flak Platform
Basilisk Anti Air Emplacement

Additionally, there also the Forge World Basilisk and Hydra Platforms, which are quite expensive. Alternatively, you could get the Adeptus Titanicus Accessories sprue. This sprue has a couple of radar turrets, a command bunker but importantly, a missile silo and a cannon, which could double as a Manticore and a Basilisk, respectively.

Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt Fury

The Thunderbolt (23pts) and its sister aircraft, the Thunderbolt Fury (25pts) are the Imperial Navy’s main fightersThey are durable aircraft with excellent firepower, especially at medium range. Statistically, the Thunderbolt Fury (averages 2.23 damage per turn at medium range) is the best damage causing fighter in the game, with the standard Thunderbolt (averages 1.67 damage per turn at medium range) being the third best. 

The principal areas of weakness for these aircraft are their speed and manoeuvrability, although these are still average for fighter aircraft in Aeronautica. Its speed and manoeuvrability are both good but this plane can still be outmanoeuvred. In a dogfight, the Thunderbolt can always rely upon its firepower and durability to win the day. 

Both the Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt Fury can also take two hard points worth of ordinance. Skystrike Missiles could be taken to boost the aerial firepower. Alternatively, Hellstrike Missiles and/or Bombs could be taken to attack ground targets. The addition of these bombs and missiles do increase the cost of these aircraft. 

An Imperial Navy force should really contain a solid core of Thunderbolts and Furys. They are (IMO) one of the best fighter aircraft in the game.


The Lightning is a strange aircraft. As a fighter, it is significantly inferior to the Thunderbolt and the Avenger due to its low damage output. It is, however, a lot faster and more manoeuvrable. So, what is the purpose of this aircraft?

The Lightning’s high speed, high throttle and high manoeuvrability allow this aircraft to easily move into the ‘perfect’ position on the Area of Engagement. Additionally, these traits of speed and manoeuvrability make the movement of this aircraft difficult to predict, a real strength in this strategic game. 

When the Lightning is in position, it unfortunately, lacks any real punch. At all ranges, with either Twin Lascannons or Multilasers, the Lightning lacks damage output. The Lightning can take three hardpoints worth of ordinance. This is the strength of the aircraft. At an initial cost of 19 points, with Twin Lascannons, the Lightning can take three pairs of missiles for the same cost as a Thunderbolt Fury. Additionally, all three pairs of missiles can be fired in one firing phase. Therefore, a Lightning with three pairs of Skystrike Missiles and Twin Lascannons can put out 2.35 average damage for one firing phase at medium range or 2.01 average damage for one firing phase at long range. 

Another option is to load the Lightning up with Hellstrike Missiles. The Lightning can then be used to pick off ground targets at long range. With three pairs of Hellstrike Missiles, the lightning can easily remove a ground defence in a single round, and still have ordinance to spare. 

The Lightning fighter can be set up to be a ‘one shot’ weapon, which used early in the game could really swing the fight in the Imperial Navy’s favour. It is not a substitute for the Thunderbolt.

Avenger Strike FIghter

Avenger Strike Fighter

The Avenger Strike fighter is an awesome looking plane. It is armed with a toned-down version of the Avenger Bolt cannon, from the Thunderbolt Fury and can be upgraded with additional Twin Lascannons or Twin Autocannons (I always choose the Lascannons). Together the Bolt Cannon and the Lascannons allow the Avenger to put out an average of 1.78 damage per turn at medium range, making it the second most damaging causing aircraft in the game. This is still less than the Thunderbolt Fury. 

The Avenger comes second to the Fury in durability, with only 2 structure points. It has a max altitude of 4 whereas the Fury can go to 5. It has the same max speed and manoeuvrability but a lower throttle. So, in a straight comparison the Thunderbolt Fury at 25 points is a better aircraft then the Avenger with Twin Lascannons at 23 points.  

So, the Avenger is not as good as the Thunderbolt Fury in a straightforward shooting match, however, we now need to consider the different scenarios in Aeronautica. The main statistic where the Avenger is better than the Thunderbolt is its Handling. The Avenger handles on a 2+ and the Thunderbolt on a 3+. In the low flight scenarios, handling is the difference between crashing into terrain and not. The Avenger therefore only has a 1/6 chance of failing and the Thunderbolt has a 1/3. When you crash it makes no difference how many structure points you have.  

So, here is the point of the plane. It is a good fighter, but the Thunderbolt is still better in the open skies. If, however, you want to play a low altitude game, where you are dodging around terrain, then the Avenger is the plane for you. 

Finally, the Avenger also has a little tail gun, it is nothing special, but you never know, in one game it is bound to do something amazing and memorable.  

Valkyries and Vendettas

Even though the Valkyrie (and the Vendetta) are classed as Fighters, their primary function is as transport craft. The come armed with a Lascannon which can be upgraded to a Twin Lascannon or a Multi-Laser. Additionally, the plane can be armed with a pair of Skystrike Missiles or twin Rocket pods or an extra set of Twin-Linked Lascannons. A Vendetta with all Lascannon upgrades will be able to cause an average damage of 2.00 per firing phase at medium range (but no firepower at short range!), not bad for 21pts. So, the Valkyries and Vendetta can carry some formidable firepower, but they are not true fighters. In a dogfighter, their slow maximum speed and low manoeuvrability are going to be a significant handicap. 

It is in scenarios that require Transport capacity, that the Valkyries and Vendettas really shine. They have 3 structure points, so can take some damage before they are removed, and each plane has 3 Transport and the Jump Troops special ability. Combining the Jump Troop ability with a Minimum Speed of 0, then it is easy to place troops in a landing zone without having to land the plane. Making this the best transport aircraft in the game. 

Overall, this is a fantastic addition to any scenarios requiring Transport capacity but its slow speed means that true fighters can easily get behind it and shoot it down. 

It could also be fun to field a pure Adeptus Militarum force, made of Valkyries and Vendetta, which would make for a very different dogfight. I better find the track, Ride of the Valkyries.


The Vulture may not be the fastest aircraft in the game. It does, however, have Throttle 2, a Max Speed of 5 and access to all 8 Ace manoeuvres along with the Jink ability making this one of the most manoeuvrable plane in the game. 

It also has access to some truly fearsome firepower for a fighter. The Vulture initially comes with an uninspiring Heavy Bolter [2/1/0 5+]. It can then be armed with Punisher Cannons [6/10/0 5+] or two Twin Rocket Pods each dishing out [2/6/2 5+], with 3 ammo (therefore 12 medium range shots for 3 turns). Alternatively, you can go with the missile or bomb cradles, with each cradle having 3 ammo points. This will allow you to fire 2 Hellstrike (ground attack) or Skystrike (aerial attack) missiles per turn for 3 turns. Each turn rolling a total of 4 missile dice, damaging on a 3+ with the chance of extra damage on a 6+. This results in an average of 0.9 damage per shot and a luck hit will result in 2 damage taking out most fighter in one volley. 

Overall, in a low altitude game, loaded up with missile the Vulture is a formidable attack craft. In clear skies, the lack of speed may reduce the effectiveness of this aircraft, but it can still rely on its manoeuvrability, which may help it keep out of trouble.


The Marauder Bomber costs the same points as the Thunderbolt Fury. It is, however, a bomber and not a fighter. The Marauder has access to 3 Ace Manoeuvres and a Maximum Speed of 5 as such it will not be dodging incoming enemy fighters. Instead, this plane relies upon its 5 structure points and the protection of friendly fighters to line up for its attacks on ground targets. 

For attack, it has Lascannons [0/2/1 2+ (6+)] in its forward arc, and 3 bombs in its Bomb Bay [8/0/0 2+ (5+)]. 

For defence, it has a Rear Turret [3/2/0 5+] and a Dorsal Turret [3/2/0 5+], which can fire all around and up.

The Marauder also has 4 weapon slots for Hellstrike or Skystrike Missiles or additional bombs. I like to add a couple of Hellstrike Missiles to my Marauders. The idea is to fire these missiles at long range to try and knock out a ground target, like a defence, before I fly over the main target and flatten it with the bomb bay.

This plane will do most of the Imperial Navy's bombing runs, but be aware that enemy fighters are going to try and attack this plane from below and the sides.

Marauder Destroyer

The Marauder Destroyer has many of the same rules and weapon loadout as the Marauder Bomber, with a few exceptions. The first and most obvious change is the replacement of the Marauder's front Lascannons with Autocannons [6/9/0 4+]. It also gains 1 transport capacity and the special rule Jump Troops. Finally, the handling of the plane drops from a 4+ to a 5+. The cost makes the Destroyer 4pts more expensive than the standard Marauder. 

You could be tempted to try and use the Destroyer as a gunship to hose down enemy fighters. However, with a max speed of 5 and access to only 3 Ace Manoeuvres it is going to be difficult to line up the enemy fighters for a shot. If you are wanting to win a dogfight, more planes are key to controlling the initiative in a turn and a big plane like this might not help. 

Like the Marauder it also has access to 4 additional weapons, which can be filled with missiles and/or bombs. Here I would be tempted to take Hellstrike Missiles, but these still synergise better with the Lascannons due to the long range of both. Additionally, these will make the plane expensive. 

The Marauder Destroyer is best suited to strafing runs. Enemy aircraft would be foolish to engage the Destroyer in its front arc, but it can do little about enemy fighters in a tailing position. 


The Arvus Lighter is an aircraft with no weapon and is entirely designed to carry troops. It is an aircraft specifically to be used in scenarios where Transport capacity is required. It has the Valuable Cargo special rule allowing it to disengage from the Area of Engagement once it has dropped off its troops, thereby preventing the opponent from scoring victory points for destroying the craft.

It should only be used in specific scenarios. However, due to its low points cost, it is a very capable little aircraft. It poses the opponent with a question? Destroy the Arvus and focus on the mission objective or take out enemy fighters. Additionally, the low points cosy of the Arvus allows the Imperial player to control the initiative in a game but causing the opponent to move their fighters into position before their fighters. Overall, an interesting aircraft.

Hydra Flak Battery

This ground defence is good in scenarios where there are ground targets or landing zones. The Hydra Flak Battery has a weapon profile of [6/4/2 5+], however its effective altitude is 2. Opponents could avoid this defence by staying at altitude 4 or 5. The Hydra is a good defence if opponents lack bombs and can only attack ground targets by committing to strafing runs. Equally, a few of these defences around a ground target will cause opponents to consider whether to risk incoming fire during a bombing run or to fly higher and lose accuracy. The Hydra Flak Battery is also the 'go to' defence in Low Altitude engagements. If the enemy is not at low altitude, then you will be better off using the either the Manticore or the Basilisk.
Manticore Missile Battery

This ground defence, armed with Manticore Missiles, is far more effective than the Hydra in scenarios without specific ground targets. It has an effective altitude of 5 and a weapon profile [2/1/1 4+ (5+)] that allows it to threaten any planes that come within its long range. It is at its best when firing at Short range. So, if you have a few spare points and the scenario allows you to use ground defences then I would recommend this Manticore, plus it looks cool. 

Basilisk Anti-Aircraft Emplacement
This ground defence, is simply a large cannon that hurls explosive shells into the skies. It has an effective altitude of 4 and a weapon profile [1/2/1 2+ (6+)] that allows it to 'thud' away at any planes that come within its long range. As such, if you have the points spare, you can always find a use for this emplacement. It is nothing fancy but what you should expect from the Imperium. 

Building your own Imperial Navy Air Force

When building my Imperial Navy, I bought a copy of the Wings of Vengeance and the Skies of Fire boxsets. I also picked up a few more planes and a box of Imperial and Ork Ground Assets from eBay. 

In total this Force comes in at: 

114pts = 6 x Lightnings 

 63pts = 3 x Thunderbolts 

 23pts = 1 x Thunderbolt Fury 

 46pts = 2 x Marauder Bombers  

 32pts = 2 x Valkyries 

 32pts = 4 x Hydra Flak Platforms 

 14pts = 2 x Manticore Missile Batteries 

Without upgrades or additional weapon options, a total of 324pts 

This might not be a well-designed force and I would not expect it to be competitive. It is, however, a nice starting point for a player new to the game and will give you plenty of different options. 
After all of this, I suddenly realise that having reviewed the Imperial Navy (40K) I have constantly compared them to the Rebels (Star Wars). The Emperor forgive me.  

Overall, the Imperial Navy is an extremely powerful force in Aeronautica Imperialis, with a fantastic range of miniatures.

More of my Aeronautica articles can be found here.

Let me know if you have any thoughts or if you have questions. I would love to hear about your games. Bye for now and 'always watch your six'. 


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