How I paint - Chaos Daemons - Flesh hounds of Khorne

The Flesh Hounds of Khorne are crimson hued half-canine, half-reptilian hunting beasts. Their blank-white eyes are hooded beneath hooded brows and their slavering mouths are full of razor sharp fangs. They have blood matted hair running down their backs and across their shoulders and around their necks are great brazen collars, forged at Khorne's feet. 

This is the description of the Flesh hounds, I wanted to achieve in my painting.

More of my How to paint... articles can be found here. Including Bloodletters of Khorne and Daemonettes of Slaanesh.

Paints Required:

  • Chaos Black spray
  • Khorne Red
  • Wazdakka Red
  • Nuln Oil
  • Rhinox Hide
  • Cadian Fleshtone
  • Druchii Violet
  • Carroburg Crimson
  • Warplock Bronze
  • Brass Scorpion
  • Runelord Brass
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Warpfiend Grey
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • Mechanicum Standard Grey
  • Ushabti Bone
  • Dawnstone
  • Administratum Grey
  • Screamer Pink

Undercoat with Chaos Black spray.

To begin with basecoat all of the flesh of the miniature with Khorne Red. A little water was added to the paint to allow it to flow from the brush more easily. When this was dry a second coat was applied. Do not paint the claws and leave a little area on the actual feet unpainted. The aim is to get a transition from the black claws to the red flesh.

When this is all dry, paint the areas of flesh without scales Wazdakka Red; again water your paint down to keep it nice and smooth. The Khorne Red should be left showing on the scales of the back and the parts of the feet closest to the claws.

All the flesh was then washed with Nuln Oil. May sure the wash does not pool. If it does pool, remove the excess with a damp brush. You are aiming to darken the red and add some shade to the recesses.

The next steps are all about highlighting the flesh of the daemon. Using some slightly thinned Wazdakka Red, start to highlight the flesh, take care to avoid the recesses. Additionally, do not highlight the flesh covered in scales, this will be dealt with later. Try to use just one coat of paint to begin with. If you want to strength the highlight, apply a second coat to a smaller area of the flesh. This will build up a natural transition between the shade and the highlight. Continue to highlight the flesh with a 3:1 mix of Wazdakka Red and Cadian Fleshtone. Additional Cadian Fleshtone can be added to the mix to highlight the frill around the neck.

The areas of flesh covered with scales were lightly drybrushed with the Wazdakka Red and Cadian Fleshtone mix.

The hair, along the spine, was given a basecoat of Rhinox Hide.

The hair on the spine was shaded with Druchii Violet. The scales on the flesh  were shaded with a 1:1 mix of Druchii Violet and Lahmian Medium. When applying the wash to the scales, it was painted from the edge of the scales to towards the spine hair. This results in the darker shade building up next to the spine.

With the flesh painted, the attention to switches to the details of the miniature. The collar was given a basecoat with Warplock Bronze. This was then followed up with a second basecoat using Brass Scorpion.  When the basecoats had thoroughly dried the collar was washed with Agrax Earthshade.

The fur along the spine was then highlighted first with Warpfiend Grey. Then with a 1:1 mix of Warpfiend Grey and Ulthuan Grey. Then finally with Ulthuan Grey.

At this point, some of the details on the miniature were painted. The eyes were picked out with Ushabti Bone. The teeth were tidied up with Abaddon Black before being highlighted with Dawnstone and then with Administratum Grey

The claws were highlighted with Mechanicum Standard Grey, then Dawnstone

Edge highlight the collar with Brass Scorpion and then with Runelord Brass.
Wash the eyes with Nuln Oil do not allow to pool. The Aim here is to get a nice dark edge around the eye.

The tongue was given a basecoat with Screamer Pink. This was then highlighted the tongue with a 1:1 mix of Screamer Pink and Cadian Fleshtone.

The final steps are to glaze the hair with a 1:1 mix of Druchii Violet and Lahmian Medium. Do not allow this glaze to pool. The glaze is there to add purple tones to underlying grey highlights. Some of the larger scales on the Fleshhounds back can be painted with Abaddon Black. These are then highlighted first with Dawnstone and then Administratum Grey.

In this guide, I learnt not to over do the highlights on the flesh. If you do, the dark red of the hound quickly starts to look a little pink. 

If you have any questions about any of the Khorne Daemon guides, write them in the comments below. Otherwise, happy painting.


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