
Warhammer Underworlds - Nemesis Deck Library

Checkout my  Warhammer Underworlds  for more articles. As I start to play more Warhammer Underworlds, I am building up a library of Nemesis decks. All decks have been used with reasonable success. Initially, as with the rest of my blog, this page was just a place to store my different decks but I thought they might be useful to other people. Order Warbands Chosen Axes   Daring Axes  (Daring Delvers)           Skaeth's Wild Hunt Breakneck Kurnothi (Breakneck Slaughter) ☆☆☆ Hoof and Claw (Tooth and Claw) ☆☆☆ Myari's Purifiers  Shocking Purity (Seismic Shock) Starblood Stalkers Rimelocked Stalkers (Rimelocked Stalkers)   Elathain's Soulraid Cold Soulraid (Force of Frost) ☆☆ Xandire's Truthseekers Savage Truth (Tooth and Claw)  [Willen Games Clash 23] ☆☆☆ Cold Truth (Force of Frost) ☆☆☆ Fortress of Truth (Fearsome Fortress) Toxic Truth (Toxic Terrors) ☆☆ The Shadeborn Daring Shadeborn (Daring Delvers)   Domitan's Stormcoven Shocking Storm (Seismic Shock) Ice S

Warband Review: The Emberwatch.

The first warband for the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds , Embergard, features the Age of Sigmar poster boys, the Emberwatch. The Emberwatch is a group of three Stormcast Eternals who have spent many long years in the fiery, emotion-riven realm of Aqshy.  The warband comprises the leader, Ardorn Flamerunner [1], and he is backed up by the assassin, Farasa Twice-Risen [2], and the marksman, Yurik Velzaine [3]. Fighter Characteristics The pre-inspired Save , Move , and Health characteristics of the three fighters are identical, at 1 Block , 3 Move , and 5 Health each. Ardorn provides a Bounty of 3, while Farasa and Yurik each provide 2. Each fighter in the warband is equipped with two weapon profiles, one melee and the other a ranged attack. These weapons all attack with 2 Hammers, with the exception of Farasa's melee attack, which uses 3 Swords. Her attack is, therefore, the least accurate but has a greater chance for more successes and crit success. No fighter has any specia

What's new for Warhammer Underworlds?

Warhammer Underworlds is back for a new edition! As such, I intend to invest more time into my blog and focus on this new edition. It has been months since we had any news about Warhammer Underworlds. Today, on the 5th of October, we received an update. At first, I thought I would do a run-down of all the items I picked up from the teaser video, but everyone is doing that. Instead, I want to share my own thoughts. I'm obviously excited about this new edition—this revamp of the game means it will exist for at least another year or more (GW tends to have plans in the works for over a year). I always get extremely annoyed when a game is discontinued, leaving me with hundreds of pounds worth of miniatures and game components that are basically useless. So, the fact that the game will continue is great news. From the card art images (which are now photographs, more on this later), we can see older warbands like Kainan's Reapers, Brethren of the Bolt, Khagra's Ravagers, the Gnarl

Warhammer Underworlds - Playing upgrades to score glory.

As I finished this article, the new Underworlds information was released.... still, please take a read. As I continue to explore pairings for Lady Harrows Mournflight, I began to think about Malevolent Mask, Rimelock Relics and Toxic Terrors. Each of these decks use upgrades to score Objectives cards to a greater or lesser extent. This then leads to the idea of Seed Glory (the initial one or two points of glory needed to access the Power deck, and then to score the Objectives). Rimelocked Relics Recently, at my local gaming club and in the few tournaments I have attended, I have seen a lot of Rimelocked Relics. Equally, I have tried the deck myself (paired with Magore's Fiends - Nemesis Deck Library) and have found that it pairs well with aggressive warbands. Why do I state this? A number of the Objective cards,within the deck, require your fighters to be holding Objective tokens in enemy territory and/or to have enemy fighters out of action. In addition, some Objectives require fi

Hobby Goals - September 2024

September ended up being a relatively quiet month for my hobby. I had a busy month with work, and the lack of new Warhammer Underworlds miniatures sapped my enthusiasm for painting a little. I started the month by looking through some boxes in the loft and found a single Storm Eagle from Aeronautica Imperialis. I decided to paint it in the yellow of the Imperial Fists. It was a quick little miniature, but it was nice to return to painting the small planes. How I Paint - Imperial Fists . Imperial Fist Storm Eagle Next, I switched to two of the Blood Warriors I had primed last month. I have been enjoying using Magore's Fiends in some practice games, and the angry men inspired me to paint a few fellow warriors. I would like to get a few more of these painted. Blood Warriors This month, I did not buy any miniatures, so I could tick off my first hobby goal: " Do not buy any miniatures in a month ." Even though I only painted three miniatures, that's still more than I bough

My hope for the future of Warhammer Underworlds

Recently, I’ve begun to wonder about the fate of Warhammer Underworlds . I’ve been playing Games Workshop games since 1990, and over the years, my relationship with the hobby has evolved dramatically. As a teenager, I had plenty of time to build armies but often lacked the funds. After my student days, I finally had both the time and money to indulge in large-scale armies. Now, as a parent, I find myself with neither the time nor the surplus funds for bigger games. As a result, I’ve shifted my focus to smaller-scale games rather than Age of Sigmar (AoS) or Warhammer 40,000 (40K). Games like Aeronautica Imperialis and Warhammer Underworlds have proven to be a perfect fit. I also love painting miniatures, and with a focus on quality over quantity, massive army painting is something I’ve moved away from. The original teaser miniature for Warhammer Underworlds, The Sepulchral warden When Warhammer Underworlds first launched, I began collecting the miniatures solely for the joy of pain

My Sixth Underworlds Tournament - Agents Con

My sixth Warhammer Underworlds tournament was at Agents Con 2024. Yet again, I was equipped with my beloved Mournflight, this time paired with Tooth and Claw. This is the same combination I took to my previous tournament, but I have had a little more practice since then. Let’s see if Lady Harrow’s Savage Scream can win the day. Game 1 The Skinnerkin My first opponent was Dan Knight with his Skinnerkin paired with the Rimewyrm’s Bite. I had the first activation and simply moved the Widow, after staggering her, onto an objective token deep in my territory. Dan then charged the Screaming Maiden with Flensemaster Pewdrig. This was perfect for me, as I now used this fighter to inspire the remainder of my warband. Each time I moved a fighter, I staggered them first, unless I was charging, as I was aiming to score Embraced Savagery . Dan was unable to do much to my warband as his fighters were set up too far back on his board. I finished the round by taking out Flensemaster Pewdrig. The end o

Hobby Goals - August 24

For the first few weeks of August, I was away on holiday and, as such, did no hobby activities. Painting Having completed all the available Warhammer Underworlds warbands last month, I moved on to reducing my pile of shame by painting more of my Gloomspite Gitz. Last month, I had started a unit of ten Squig Hoppers. With these complete, I moved on to the second half of a unit of Squigs with their herder. I had four Squigs and one herder to paint. For both units, I used my " How I Paint – Moonclan Grots " and " How I Paint – Squigs " guides. In addition to painting, I built a random group of miniatures, including: Two Pusgoyle Blightlords Three Fiends of Slaanesh Five Loonsmasha Fanatics Five Blood Warriors Five Blood Reavers As my painting is not very focused at the moment, these miniatures will give me some options over the next few weeks. Gaming This month, I managed to play eight games of Warhammer Underworlds. I have been practicing for an upcoming tournament. P